Tag Archives: Walking

New York, New York


New York is a special place for me. It’s a place I dreamed of as a kid. It’s a place where I can explore and think. To me New York exemplifies self expression, independence, freedom, adversity and diversity.

Imagine waking up to the Statue of Liberty outside of your window in the morning. A monumental reminder of all those who sought freedom. Imagine how you would feel and what you would think. For me it was a timely view. Waking up to this the night after blogging about my current journeys was perfectly fitting.

Grace and I got up, got ready and were ready to venture out when I got a call from someone I was to meet with for work on this trip. One of the owners of the company passed away last night. Again I was reminded to live life to its fullest. Life is short and precious.

Grace and I now get to spend the entirety of this trip being mom and daughter. Exhausting, yes, but very rewarding. It’s been priceless seeing her enjoy such a large city without fear. I shall continue to work on my patience.

So much has happened already on this trip. NYC is amazing place! Buying hats from street vendors, a carriage ride in Central Park, FAO Shwarz, Indian food, near death cab rides, scantily clad women, food from a cart, the Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center (an experience NEVER to be repeated)… it’s all so NEW YORK. I’m so happy I brought Grace along to see all of this at such a young age. I hope she learns to accept people for who they are and life for what it is. Life is random and so sometimes you have to be too.