Tag Archives: hope

My Grinchy Heart is Glowing!


I’m going to try very hard to type this out without crying but I’m not holding out much hope. I mentioned in my first blog how much my friend Elizabeth means to me and how she helped to further the process of change I was going through, but I realize more and more just what she’s doing to my life. I think we often forget we are all the same, sure we all have our unique personalities, but we’re all here to experience the fundamentals of life. We forgot to be compassionate to one another and remember that we really aren’t different. Be born, experience life, die! Does it get any simpler than that? So where am I going with this? Well, sometimes you get surprised and people DO remember this. Elizabeth is someone who has become incredibly close to me and thus very important and it seems everyone in my life sees that. People that know me or are close to me are reaching out to her just because they know how important she is to Grace and I or just because they’re GOOD PEOPLE! You don’t see that as often these days, people willing to do for others just because it’s the right thing to do. Compassion!

Life is amazing me more and more. All the strands of my life are weaving together, lessons are everywhere. My faith in humanity is strengthening, my heart is glowing again. I feel love all around me, something I had given up on years ago after Tim and I fell apart. So, thank you everyone, thank you cancer. There is good in everything. I know y’all may think that’s a strange statement, but tough times really do show people’s true colors. So, yes, thank you cancer! I said it last year when my mom was sick too. Be grateful for everything!